Ben 47 anni e 21 album in studio per la celebre band inglese Yes, la quale ritornerà il prossimo anno con un tour che toccherà Inghilterra, Francia, Germania, Belgio, Olanda, Svizzera e Italia. Il nostro paese conterà ben quattro date: Milano, Padova, Firenze e Roma, tra il 28 maggio e il primo di luglio. A novembre di questo anno invece la band sarà in concerto in Florida e al Cruise To The Edge.
I biglietti delle date sono già in vendita.
Le date del tour:
27th April – Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, UK
29th April – City Hall, Newcastle, UK
30th April – Apollo, Manchester, UK
2nd May – Philharmonic, Liverpool, UK
3rd May – City Hall, Sheffield, UK
4th May – Colston Hall, Bristol, UK
6th May – Symphony Hall, Birmingham, UK
7th May – Brighton Centre, Brighton, UK
9th May – New Theatre, Oxford, UK
10th May – Royal Albert Hall, London, UK
13th May – Olympia Paris, France
14th May – Ancienne Belgique, Brussels, Belgium
15th May – Tivolivredenburg, Utrecht, Netherlands
17th May – Mehr Theater, Hamburg, Germany
19th May – Alte Oper, Frankfurt, Germany
20th May – Haus Avensee, Leipzig, Germany
21st May – Admiralspalast, Berlin, Germany
23rd May – Beethovenhalle, Bonn, Germany
24th May – Hegelsaal, Stuttgart, Germany
25th May – Cirkus Krone, Munich, Germany
27th May – Volkshaus, Zurich, Switzerland
28th May – Teatro Nazionale, Milan, Italy
29th May – Gran Teatro Geox, Padova, Italy
31st May – Dbihall, Florence, Italy
1st June – Teatro Olimpico, Rome, Italy